Kind Monday. Infusion.

This week, true to my commitment last week, my Kindness challenge is simply the call I feel each week.

Over the past week, I haven’t had any one particular event that made me think “Ah – that’s the one”.

But what I have observed, now that I’m 11 weeks into this challenge, is that I have altered something about my view.  I’m now looking for moments of Kindness, both ones that I receive and ones I can give.

This week, I’m going to rely on the infusion of Kindness into my life to describe some things that I’m noticing as I go through my days:

  • If I see splashes of water on the mirror in the shared work bathroom, I just grab some handtowel and give it a quick wipe
  • When the papertowel roll is empty, I’ll replace the roll in the dispenser
  • I almost always return my trolley now
  • Sometimes, I even pick up other trolleys that are waiting unloved style on the footpath, outside the IGA
  • I will usually pop my small change into either the tips jar or the donation tin at the shopping counter

These are just little things, but instead of them being sometimes things, they are now most times things.  Infused into my everyday meanderings.

I wonder what things will be normal for me at the end of 52 weeks!

2013-03-11 18.22.50

Weeks ago, Tyben couldn’t do this. And now he is pushing through his fear and discomfort, to try something new, and he LOVES it!

What Kind choices do you make most times, and not just some times?  And I wonder what you could push through, to add a few more kind things to your everyday.

K xxx

About Kathryn Hodges

Hi! I'm Kathryn. I have many hats in this life. I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother (of 4!), a friend, a keen try-er of yoga, a lawyer, a business owner, an avid reader and a lover of this electronic world and it's connections. As the Principal of a wonderful law firm on the Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia, I focus on seeing my clients as people going through change and I am committed to practising mindfully that I am dealing with people and their families. Precious stuff, hey! I hope you enjoy learning more about the things that impact on me, my life and my practice. Please leave me a comment, as I'm sure you have something you can show or teach me. We're all in this learning thing, called life, together xx Oh, and my professional obligations mean I have to remind you that my opinions are my own.
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3 Responses to Kind Monday. Infusion.

  1. Vanessa moore says:

    Well I just had a funny memory surface….about being kind.

    When I was at training we had to write our “I AM” statements. These were to be used every morning at 6am for a visualisation time alone, prior to,playing volleyball.

    Whilst writing them I started to laugh, very loudly. I was the only girl in 14 and a couple of the boys asked, what are you laughing at Chic (my nickname whilst there).

    I answered, I just wrote Patient, Tolerant and Kind. I am laying as I am the most impatient intolerant bitch I know.!! I was lmao.

    After a time when I returned and was regularly “doing” my I AM statements I realised, I am kind, tolerant and most of all patient. I had to be,, to be a good, if not great, coach.

    I am still kind. Every day to myself and as many people as I possibly can be.

    Thankyou for the reminder. I really believe it is “something” we should all be all the time. It is just a matter of teaching ourselves.

    You, Sista, are doing a marvellous job. Kind is kind whatever, wherever it is for you.


    • Kathryn Hodges says:

      Thanks Vanessa,
      And I agree. It really is a choice, isn’t it!!
      I can imagine the boys having a good laugh at it. 🙂
      K xxx

  2. Debyl1 says:

    I try to be kind everyday as I believe when we give we get so much more in return.
    The feeling of helping another and seeing the smile on their face is a beautiful reward.
    I keep my ears peeled for anything that might help out the lovely oldies at the nursing home…mainly the ones who don’t get visited much or sadly at all.
    Some weeks it might be to go to the secondhand book shop and get some novels for someone who loves to read,another time I saw a lady struggling with a digital clock she placed on her walker as her watch was broken so I took it to the shops and had new battery fitted and it worked perfectly.Last week another lady asked me if I could take home three of her tops to name and iron them for her.Others love their chocolate and so I always make sure I have a supply of freddo frogs on me.
    All offer to pay me bless them and I always say it is a gift.They are so grateful and often get tears in their eyes.
    The way I look at it is we don’t need to have a lot to be able to give to others and our time is something that costs us nothing but can we worth millions to others.XxX

Shared stories help us all. Anything you want to share with me?